What does it take to get a population of wounded warriors to rejoin the workforce? Beyond offering more benefits and higher pay, this opportunity requires us to re-examine the work environment...
I’m using a really hot topic in today’s environment (getting vaccinated) to discuss values. Your values are a barometer. They are a compass, and they are driving your actions and your...
Do you have an opportunity to reinvent your life or your business or both? Today, I not only want to talk with you about what you want to reinvent in your life, but I also want to help you unearth...
Nearly every client I have is telling me she can’t find anyone to hire right now. Whether you’re trying to hire frontline service level personnel or more mid-level professional...
Visionary women experience similar challenges. A visionary woman isn't just a visionary in her business, she's a visionary in her life. She often feels unseen, unheard, isolated and empty because...
Many of the women that I work with struggle when it comes to holding team members accountable. But the truth is that accountability is one of the greatest forms of self-care that you can create...
Throughout my time as a coach, I’ve noticed a pattern of powerlessness when it comes to women. This is not only in their relationships with men, but also within themselves, and this general...
In today’s interview, Kris talks with Tanya Dalton, a nationally recognized productivity expert, best-selling author and speaker. Tanya serves as a growth strategist for female leaders in...
Learning how to lead, learning the systems, the practices, the techniques of leadership is one of the highest forms of self-care for a female entrepreneur. Let’s talk about responsibility,...
Welcome to my new podcast – Leadership is Feminine! I’m so happy you’re here. It’s my intention for this podcast to be a space for us to talk about the unique challenges...
Are you experiencing the hiring and talent crisis right now? Instead of getting upset about the situation, let’s instead do some quick analysis of what matters to you so you can go about...
Did you know that you can always reinvent your business? I hesitate to say RE-invent only because it almost says that we're doing something again. But it’s actually less about RE-inventing,...