Executive leadership is a visionary role. You’re inspired to lead at a higher level, increase and improve team productivity and efficiency to meet and exceed goals, and to grow yourself in...
Team member mental health is an important, sensitive and timely topic. But it can be difficult to navigate as a leader because it is also a very heavy and extremely personal topic. In general,...
Whether you liked, disliked or are indifferent toward The Barbie Movie, I thought after viewing it that there were some positive lessons in the movie and some points I felt more doubt about....
In most cultures, there has been a prevalent teaching–whether direct or indirect–that women should always be nice. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should be mean...
There has been a death of the art of mentorship. We moved from the emphasis of knowing how to do things into the emphasis of education and holding a degree. The issue with this is few people know...
Hiring is a delicate process and I don’t really think there is just one right way to do it. What worked for one person may not work for you. After all, people are all different. But there...
Self-honesty and the ability to express that honestly is a game changer in life. Yet we avoid telling some truths, both to ourselves and others. Why is that? Is it because we downplay how critical...
It’s finally live! After a very long time of contemplation, evaluation and hard work, LEAD FOR WOMEN is ready. As I’ve moved through this extremely intense season of change and...
When it comes to releasing and detoxing, money can be a huge issue. Some people have a great relationship with their finances, others a horrible one, and I would say the majority of us fall...
Editing and evaluating your life is super powerful. It reinforces a firm foundation when you take time out to evaluate where you’ve been and then decide if that is where you truly want to be...
Why do we feel shame and guilt when we succeed? Where does that come from and why does it hang on, despite the fact that women are punching through old norms? First, it’s important to note...
We all have a subconscious or invisible internal compass. Like a physical compass, it naturally shows us where we currently are in space and time, and gives us clarity in the direction we should...