Leadership is Feminine


Affirmations for Female Entrepreneurs Jan 03, 2022

Happy New Year! How are you?! I love the energy whenever the new year comes around! It’s a great time to pause and focus on your goals, intentions, whatever, right? So, I thought that,...

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Should You Pay a Year End Bonus? Dec 27, 2021

Should you pay a year end bonus and give your employees extra? We expect certain results from the people we hire, and we pay them a salary for those results. Not for their time. Not for their...

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Entrepreneurial Optimism Dec 20, 2021

You, as an entrepreneur, have to be an optimist, right? You take risks and believe that something will work out and you cultivate that vision to get your team through the frustration and...

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The Benefits of CEO Vision Boards Dec 13, 2021

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s possible for ourselves, right? I think having visual representations of things that evoke emotions in us can make our brains believe something exists...

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The Benefits of CEO Vision Boards Dec 13, 2021

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s possible for ourselves, right? I think having visual representations of things that evoke emotions in us can make our brains believe something exists...

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The Magic of a CEO Breakdown Dec 06, 2021

Part of our experience as a human is to feel discomfort. We struggle and often ask ourselves, “Why me? Why is this happening? What am I doing?” But none of these unexpected moments are...

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CEO Magic Nov 29, 2021

Welcome to Season TWO of the Leadership is Feminine podcast: CEO Magic.Let me ask you something, Gorgeous: What makes some leaders more successful than others? Skills and tactics can only get...

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Hustle and Grind vs. Relax and Unwind Nov 22, 2021

I have some questions for you, Gorgeous. What if your growth, both personal and professional, was not dependent on your hustle? What if it was dependent on your rest?

As a woman entrepreneur, the...

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Reinventing Your Relationship With Time Nov 15, 2021

I hear you, love. You’re drowning in content. In quote tiles, free downloadables, and ‘how-to’ guides. You don’t need more voices; you need an ear. But not your...

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Emotional Entrepreneurs Nov 08, 2021

We’ve all had our fair share of challenges in 2021, haven’t we? But, as women leaders and emotional entrepreneurs, one of the biggest challenges we constantly face is believing in...

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Relaunching a Workforce Nov 01, 2021

What does it take to get a population of wounded warriors to rejoin the workforce? Beyond offering more benefits and higher pay, this opportunity requires us to re-examine the work environment...

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Are We in the Middle of a Values Revolution? Oct 25, 2021

I’m using a really hot topic in today’s environment (getting vaccinated) to discuss values. Your values are a barometer. They are a compass, and they are driving your actions and your...

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Reinventing Your Life and Your Business Oct 18, 2021

Do you have an opportunity to reinvent your life or your business or both? Today, I not only want to talk with you about what you want to reinvent in your life, but I also want to help you unearth...

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Hiring the COVID Candidate Oct 11, 2021

Nearly every client I have is telling me she can’t find anyone to hire right now. Whether you’re trying to hire frontline service level personnel or more mid-level professional...

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The Visionary Woman Oct 04, 2021

Visionary women experience similar challenges. A visionary woman isn't just a visionary in her business, she's a visionary in her life. She often feels unseen, unheard, isolated and empty because...

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How Employee Accountability Fosters Entrepreneurial Self-Care Sep 27, 2021

Many of the women that I work with struggle when it comes to holding team members accountable. But the truth is that accountability is one of the greatest forms of self-care that you can create...

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Reinventing Emotional Powerlessness for Women Sep 20, 2021

Throughout my time as a coach, I’ve noticed a pattern of powerlessness when it comes to women. This is not only in their relationships with men, but also within themselves, and this general...

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A Conversation with Tanya Dalton Sep 13, 2021

In today’s interview, Kris talks with Tanya Dalton, a nationally recognized productivity expert, best-selling author and speaker. Tanya serves as a growth strategist for female leaders in...

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Leadership as Self-Care Sep 06, 2021

Learning how to lead, learning the systems, the practices, the techniques of leadership is one of the highest forms of self-care for a female entrepreneur. Let’s talk about responsibility,...

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Leadership is Feminine Aug 30, 2021

Welcome to my new podcast – Leadership is Feminine! I’m so happy you’re here. It’s my intention for this podcast to be a space for us to talk about the unique challenges...

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Should I Be Paying People More to Hire or Keep Them? Aug 23, 2021

Are you experiencing the hiring and talent crisis right now? Instead of getting upset about the situation, let’s instead do some quick analysis of what matters to you so you can go about...

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Leadership Reinvention Aug 16, 2021

Did you know that you can always reinvent your business? I hesitate to say RE-invent only because it almost says that we're doing something again. But it’s actually less about RE-inventing,...

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The Evolution of a Leader Aug 09, 2021

In the evolution of a leader, there are several phases of leadership. What phase are you in and do you feel like you’re struggling? Today we’re talking about getting to that level of...

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Mean Leaders Aug 02, 2021

Behavior is born out of emotions. So, whatever you feel drives your behavior - your actions in the world. And the only thing that we all can assess about one another is our actions. When a leader...

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Here, leadership is feminine, equity is non-negotiable, and every woman’s growth is vital; not optional. We believe love is love—and the more love, the better. Spirituality is personal, and every individual has the right to choose their own path. We respect facts, laws, and systems that create clarity and fairness for all. And above all, we know that the point of being human isn’t to judge or divide, but to expand—through connection, experience, and honoring what makes us different.